Another wave of PML-N defections to PTI quarters - TV Guide Pakistan


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Another wave of PML-N defections to PTI quarters

ISLAMABAD: PML-N lawmakers, and some former members of Punjab Assembly Mehr Mohammad Aslam Bharwana, Mian Muzaffar Mehmood, Rana Shahbaz Ahmad Khan, and Mian Asif Kathia with PTI Chairman Imran Khan after joining the PTI, here at Bani Gala, Thursday.

MNAs Ghulam Bibi Bharwana, Sahibzada M. Nazir Sultan included

Monitoring Desk

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) saw another wave of defection on Thursday as notable lawmakers from Punjab announced their decision to quit PML-N and join Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI).
The MNAs to defect to PTI included Ghulam Bibi Bharwana and Sahibzada Mohammad Nazir Sultan.
The politicians met PTI leaders at the Bani Gala residence of party chief Imran Khan. In the presence of Khan and senior party leader Jahangir Tareen, the newly-enlisted members expressed complete confidence in the party leadership and its mandate.
Former MNA Ghulam Abbasi Qureshi and former members of Punjab Assembly Meher Mohammad Aslam Bharwana, Mian Muzaffar Mehmood, Rana Shahbaz Ahmad Khan, and Mian Asif Kathia also announced their decision to sign up with PTI.
Additionally, former members of Punjab Assembly Ghulam Ahmed Khan Gadi, Sheikh Mohammad Yaqoob and Meher Sultan Sikandar expressed their desire to join "the captain's team".
Expressing his joy at their decision, the PTI chairman wholeheartedly welcomed the group into the PTI fold.
Khan had on Wednesday taken a jibe at former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, saying that the so-called Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) supreme leader was, in fact, campaigning for the PTI through his "love fest" with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Referring to an increasing number of PML-N members joining his party recently, the PTI chairman said his party might not be able to take in the "massive exodus from PML-N".
"Much as I appreciate Nawaz campaigning for PTI through his now-obvious love fest with The measures were taken as the tenure of the incumbent government would complete on the night of May 28, after which a caretaker government will take over to hold general election.
After shifting his family to their private residence, the chief minister also returned police protocol.
He is currently only using minimum security for his movement to attend his office at the CM House, to go to the assembly building and to discharge his official business elsewhere. - NNI

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